Meet our Missional Partners
To help extend the Gospel beyond our own four walls, we support several people/organizations financially and with volunteer hours. Some of these partners directly advance Gospel efforts, others are non-profits we desire to serve and share Christ's hope with however we can.

Atlas Free
Atlas Free (formerly Rescue:Freedom International) is on a mission to end sex trafficking one life at a time. By pioneering initiatives domestically and internationally, AF is on the frontlines of this important and pressing work. Reach is an annual supporter and longtime friend of the team at Atlas Free.

Pregnancy Resource Clinic
Pregnancy Resource Clinic (PRC) is a leading pro-life organization in Snohomish County, providing confidential services for teens and adults in Snohomish County in need of support. Possibly pregnant? You have options...PRC can help! Call today for a no charge appointment:

Bridge Receiving Center
A child's first encounter with the foster care system is too often traumatic and confusing. The Bridge is stepping in to change this by building a welcoming place where kids can feel safe and have access to the services they need. Reach is one of The Bridge's first and most engaged church donors!

Church Plant: Odyssey Church
Reach is proud to partner with Odyssey Church, a new church plant in the Seattle area led by Zeb and Leah Greenfield. Part of Evergreen Network, their mission is to help people discover the story of God and join in the journey with him. Reach is excited to partner with Odyssey through monthly support as they launch in 2025!

Missionaries: Janzen Family
The Janzens work with Reaching Portugal, a gospel-centered community in Vila do Conde and Potential to Plant, a discipleship school focused on training, resourcing, and supporting church planters. Reach is a monthly donor and personal friends with the Janzens (Watch a greeting to our church here). You can subscribe to their newsletter here.

Toys For Tots
Warehousing/distributing out of Reach Church, Toys for Tots helps bring the joy of Christmas and sends a message of hope to America's less fortunate children. In 2021 alone, over 66,000 kids from around our county were provided with quality toys for Christmas. (Herald Article)

Diapers & Donuts
Diapers & Donuts aims to love and support our community with fellowship, donuts, a free pack of diapers and an invitation to a Bible study. This ministry is operated by folks from Journey Church but is currently functioning out of Reach's facility. Get involved or contact for more info!

Missionary: Kaytlyn Douglas
Kaytlyn serves as a ministry apprentice at The Gate Church in Birmingham, England, actively working to engage families in a diverse community that maintains a Christian populace of under 2%. With residents from various international backgrounds, she helps lead an after-school club at a local school, where children learn about Jesus through games, crafts, and connection times. Kaytlyn also helps create opportunities for parents to connect while their children hear stories about faith.

Everett Gospel Mission
Everett Gospel Mission is the only provider of emergency shelter for men in Everett. The mission has expanded to include services for single moms and single women. They provide shelter and comprehensive recovery programs for 145 men, and 75 women and children each night. Reach will be hosting a Poverty 101 Course with EGM in late 2025.