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Who in your life could you invite to try Alpha?

Before inviting guests to explore faith on Alpha, we pray about who we will invite—prayer precedes the invitation. Join us for the 11:02 Alpha 21 Day Prayer Campaign.

Who is most likely to attend an Alpha? A helpful tip is to think through people who have recently experienced transition:
  • Geographical change
  • Family situational change
  • Financial shift/career change
  • Grief
  • Personal life challenges

An invitation can be as simple and casual as this: “I’m getting ready to do Alpha and thought of you! It’s a time to gather, eat a good meal, watch a short video about life and faith, and then there’s time to share what you think about the topic. All thoughts are welcome. If I picked you up or met you there, would you come check it out with me?”

Best Practices:
  • Encourage them to come with you.
  • Encourage them to come once and then see if you want to come back.
    • If it’s a close friend, tell them it takes 3 times to really get a feel for it.
  • Don’t give too much info, the experience is part of the win.
  • If you hear a "no," you could respond with something like:"No problem! This is really fun and I do it often, let me know if you want to come down the road."
    • Don’t be offended and don’t assume they’re never going to say “yes.”