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Truth That Anchors, Freedom That Liberates

October 20 | Discipleship Guide

Be Real Together:

Take a few minutes to catch up, tell stories, and laugh together. Trust and friendship take time to build. If you’re launching a new DG, one person should tell their story — what do we need to know about you? Next week, have another person in your DG share their story.

Read Together: John 8:30-47 CSB

We learned through John 8 that Jesus is not merely a teacher of truth but embodies truth itself, as He declares in John 14:6 that He is "the way, the truth, and the life." Pastor Sean taught us that when we live apart from Him, we risk creating our own versions of truth, becoming our own gods, but this inevitably leads to broken identities and trajectories enslaved by sin. True freedom is found only by embracing Jesus as the ultimate source of truth, which liberates us from sin and false identities, empowering us to live transformed, resilient lives grounded in Him.

The One Question:
Ask this question at your family meal or Discipleship Group.

Pastor Sean taught us "You can know the truth of God and still be enslaved, therefore the invitation is not just to know the truth but to walk in His truth."
Do you currently see areas of your life that are merely acknowledging the Truth of God yet are far from walking in the the truth of God?

Grow Together:
Use these questions to go deeper with your DG or for personal study.

1. Jesus says abiding in His word leads to knowing the truth.
How consistent is your time in Scripture, and how is it shaping your obedience and mindset?

2. What false truths are present in your life today (e.g., success brings happiness, or you must earn God’s love)?

3. Freedom in Christ is meant to be experienced as an ongoing reality. How can you daily remind yourself of your new identity in Him, and what specific practices can keep you on this new, God-given trajectory?

Practice Together:
Pick one of these Spiritual Disciplines to practice.

Discuss as a group which disciple you will practice, be ready so that you can keep each other accountable.
Bible Study - Set aside a large block of time in your week(1hr-2hr) to deeply study John 15. If your new to bible study, practice the S.O.A.P method.
S(cripture): Read John 15.
O(bserve): Take notes on the basic facts of the passage such as Who is it about or written too, What is being communicated, What does this say about Jesus and God, Why are this circumstances taking place?
A(pply): Ask your self, "how am I to be obedient to God considering the content of this passage?"
P(ray): Close your bible study thanking God for his perfect Word and the things you've learned. Ask for his Holy Spirit to empower you as you seek to obey these truths.

When your group gathers again, discuss your experience of these Spiritual Disciplines. 
If they were hard, celebrate drawing near to Jesus through resistance. If they were easy, celebrate the grace of God.
Take time to remind each other, that despite our experience of the disciplines, God is Faithful. God is Present.

Pray Together:

Take time to pray with and for each other.