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Kingdom People are Good Stewards

February 11 | DNA Guide

Be Real Together:

Take a few minutes to catch up, tell stories, and laugh together. Trust and friendship take time to build. If you’re launching a new DNA, one person should tell their story — what do we need to know about you? Next week, have another person in your DNA share their story.

Read Together:  Matthew 24:14-30

The One Question:
Ask this question at your family meal or DNA.

Sean taught us from Matthew 25:14-30 (“The Parable of the Talents.”).
This story surfaces in a moment where Jesus is having a conversation with his
disciples on a mountainside, shortly before he's crucified. They were asking him questions about the Kingdom of God and what to expect when he leaves them. Jesus prepares his disciples for his immanent departure, emphasizing the fact that faithfulness and stewardship are going to be important after he's gone.

Talents are gifts given by God to steward while on Earth. Gifts being natural or even developed abilities, every moment of every day, material and financial resources,
relationships with loved ones and friends, and/or the gift of salvation and redemption in Jesus. In short, our very lives!
Do you ever struggle to view your life as a gift to be stewarded?
Use these questions to go deeper with your DNA or for personal study.
1. There are three servants in this story. Two of which responded to their Master with trust, one of them responded out of fear. Examine your heart, do you more often relate to the 1 servant who responded out of fear? Or do you relate to the 2 servants who responded out of trust?

2. We are all given unique gifts and talents. Not every person is equal in the gifts we have been given, but we are all equal in our ability to be good stewards. What gifts do you feel like God has blessed you with that you can use to serve the Kingdom of God? (Ex: empathetic, strategic, creative, problem solver..)

3. In the passage all 3 servants had something in common: they wanted to please the master. The problem wasn’t their desire TO please him, rather their perception of what WOULD please him. Their perception of their master influenced how they stewarded their resources.The problem is, many of us have a skewed view of our Creator, which impacts how we view our place in creation.
What comes to your mind when you think of God?
“What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” ― A.W. Tozer (The Knowledge of the Holy)

Pray Together:

Take time to pray with and for each other.

Deeper Study:

Enduring Word Commentary: Matthew 25