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Kingdom People Read the Bible

January 14 | DNA Guide

Be Real Together:

Take a few minutes to catch up, tell stories, and laugh together. Trust and friendship take time to build. If you’re launching a new DNA, one person should tell their story — what do we need to know about you? Next week, have another person in your DNA share their story.

Read Together:  2 Timothy 3:14-17 CSB

In this passage, Paul writes to Timothy to encourage him to study the scriptures. 
God arranged the scriptures so that over 40 authors, inspired by the Holy Spirit, wrote history, poetry, eyewitness accounts, wisdom, and more, over centuries pointing to the coming of a Messiah, Jesus Christ.
Paul says here that the Bible(the word of God) is able to give us wisdom for salvation through faith in Jesus. Both wisdom in our ability to come to know Jesus AND wisdom in knowing the implications of our salvation. He reminds us that all Scripture is inspired by God (God breathed) and that is useful to those who desire to follow Jesus. It can teach, rebuke, correct and train us to be prepared and equipped to do good work.

God wants you to understand his word to make you complete as a citizen of his kingdom. He's given us practical ways to grow, and we find them in the Bible. As a Kingdom People, let's take advantage of the book we've been given. Let’s embrace our need for a steady diet of God’s word.

The One Question:
Ask this question at your family meal or DNA.

How might Paul's teaching in 2 Timothy 3 about the scriptures shape our daily lives?

Grow Together:

Use these questions to go deeper with your DNA or for personal study.
  1. Share examples of how the Bible has been a source of guidance and wisdom for you during challenging times.
  2. In what ways can we encourage one another to remain steadfast in the reading of the Bible?
  3. What are some examples of good works that scripture equips us to do?
  4. How can we effectively pass down the teachings of the Scriptures to the next generation?
  5. How does the idea of Scripture being “God breathed” impact for our understanding and studying
    of the Bible?

Pray Together:

Take time to pray with and for each other.

Deeper Study:

Enduring Word Commentary: 2 Timothy 3