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Advent: Arrival, Return

November 26| DNA Guide

Be Real Together:

Take a few minutes to catch up, tell stories, and laugh together. Trust and friendship take time to build. If you’re launching a new DNA, one person should tell their story — what do we need to know about you? Next week, have another person in your DNA share their story.

The One Question:
Ask this question at your family meal or DNA.

In Psalm 130, the writer calls out to God from the depths of human suffering. The psalmist has every confidence that God will respond to his cry of pain, because mercy the writer insists, is who God is.
Take a moment and reflect on a time in your life where you have experienced God’s faithfulness. Whether it be your salvation story, things you have seen Him do or scripture – share this memory with your group.

Grow Together:
Use these questions to go deeper with your DNA or for personal study.

1. We see God reminding us of His faithfulness throughout scripture (Exodus 20:2), because He knew we would often forget. Where / who have you been placing your hope in lately?
2. How do you know that the hope God offers is certain hope and not wishful hope?
3. What are some ways we can resource others with hope, especially during this holiday season?

Pray Together:

Take time to pray with and for each other.

Deeper Study:

Enduring Word Commentary:  Psalm 130