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The Belt of Truth

January 15 | DNA Guide

Be Real Together

Take a few minutes to catch up, tell stories, and laugh together. Trust and friendship take time to build. If you’re launching a new DNA, one person should tell their story — what do we need to know about you? Next week, have another person in your DNA share their story.

Read Together: Ephesians 6:10-20 CSB

Grow Together: Observe & Apply

This Sunday, we continued on in our sermon series on “The Armor of God," looking at some of the offensive and defensive tools God has given us to overcome the challenges we face as we follow Jesus. This week, we focus in on The Belt of Truth.

What is so impressive about a belt? In the first century, truth was up for grabs. There were all kinds of belief systems / pagan practices that would have tripped people up in trying to follow Jesus. So Paul is trying to set them up well in establishing the very heart of their faith. This is crucial for us too, because in our culture (as it was for the Ephesians), truth really is up for grabs.

A few examples of why the idea of truth might be challenging for some:
  • Truth is relative. This is the idea that truth is whatever standard you decide. In other words, you can determine the truth for yourself based on what YOU think and feel.
  • People are liars. Some people struggle with the truth because they have been lied to in the past. They think people are liars. People they trusted were dishonest and it broke their trust.
  • The truth is disappointing. Often people assume the worst about a given circumstance and create a false truth for themselves.

What is your heart posture towards truth? If you struggle with the idea of truth, which of these three examples above do you feel most applies to why you find truth challenging? 

So, why a belt? 

1. The belt held everything in place. 
Soldiers would often wear big, baggy tunics under their armor, so, the belt would hold it in place. It could also alleviate some of the weight the breastplate and shoulder armor would put on the soldier's body. It was something they needed to feel prepared and ready for battle.

“Truth, like a belt, to be effective, must be able to completely surround you - front, back, right and left, and must be strong enough to hold everything together," (Jeremy Myers).

When it comes to your battle readiness, what holds you in place? What “truths” are you expecting to hold you together? Is it the truth of God, or something else?

2. The belt was used to hold weapons.
The belt is the primary piece of gear that outfits someone for battle. Spiritually speaking, truth IS the primary piece of gear we need for the spiritual battle we find ourselves in. Paul is implying that if you don’t know Jesus, then you don't know the truth. And if you don't know the truth, you don't have access to the rest of the armor. You don't have access to God's armor unless you are submitted to God's Son.

3. The belt was used to free up a soldier's stride. 
Especially if a soldier had a longer tunic, they would take the four corners of the tunic and fold it up underneath the belt to make sure their legs were free to run / march. The fabric would constantly get in the way of a soldier's stride which would slow them down. Here is how this connects: Maybe right now you don't feel like you're making any progress in your faith. For some - Satan has been throwing lies right into your path, and you haven't done what’s necessary to disarm them. For others, you just feel slowed down - you're just tired. Push through the wall, friends. God wants to help you find your stride. This is long haul faith - every step matters.

Do you feel like you need to free up your stride in your faith? What are some lies you may be believing that are slowing you down?

The belt of truth:
  • God's truth holds us together.
  • God's truth is the thing that holds all spiritual resources.
  • God's truth helps us advance his mission with confidence. 

Do you know the truth? Are you living it? Is Jesus at the center of your life?  

Pray Together

Dear Heavenly Father,
Please remind our hearts to put on the belt of truth today - not the world's truth, but YOUR truth. Would you heal the parts of our heart that may feel challenged to believe in the truth? We thank you for equipping us for battle and that you never let us fight alone. Thank you, Lord.
In Jesus’ name, AMEN.