Hey there.

2023 Annual Report

 Looking Back,
Dreaming Ahead. 

...give thanks in everything; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:18 CSB)

A Note from Pastor Sean

Supplementing our faith, strengthening the church. 

Over the last few years, I've incorporated an unconventional cooldown routine into my workouts at the gym: I read my Gideon's pocket New Testament Bible. You know the ones, those little cell phone-sized Bibles that get distributed all over the world in countless languages (including at Reach via Toys For Tots distribution season!). That little Bible has been a constant reminder of where true strength comes from, provided comfort and correction in moments of overwhelm, and even prompted the beginnings of sermons I've preached at Reach.

Over the course of this year, we've come to an important realization: growth doesn't happen coincidentally, rather, intentionally. As a church, it's crucial that we leverage our energy towards discipling the saints (each other) for the work of the ministry. As the church grows in spiritual maturity, it will inevitably grow stronger. As it grows stronger, it will grow in generosity inside and outside the community, it will deal less with sin and the consequences of sin, it will multiply itself out and be a blessing to other churches, it will advance the Gospel here, near, and far (2 Peter 1:3-11).

Friends, if there is anything I would hope for this church, this is it; to be a community that is faithful to the Gospel and by making an impact inside and outside our 100 year old armory walls. And while we've taken some significant steps through key hires, ministry launches, and increased connection opportunities, I believe the best is yet to come!

This year's annual report will include highlights of what's happened at Reach in 2023 (and there are plenty to report!), but more than that, my hope is that you will find your heart stirred up for what lies ahead in 2024. I hope you enjoy scrolling through it all this year.

Blessings to you as we close out this incredible year!
Sean Gasperetti
Lead Pastor

The story of us. 📖

Hear the backstory of Reach as told by our founding pastor, Sean Gasperetti.

We made room in 2023! 🎉

On an average Sunday...

In 2022, our average Sunday attendance was 250 people. In 2023, that number grew to 360! That's a 44% increase!

Our biggest weekends...

In 2022, our biggest Sunday attendance was 324 people. In 2023, that number grew to 443! That's a 36.7% increase! Additionally, our 2022 Easter service hosted 500 people. In 2023, 585 people showed up! 

We've welcomed over 100 new people into the family this year!

Supplementing our faith.

People got DUNKED! 🌊

26 people made a public declaration of faith through baptism this year!

(That's double the # from 2022!)

Learning to live as family. 🏠

No doubt, we think attending on a Sunday is worthwhile. However, for those who have taken a step to join a Group at Reach, that's where the magic happens. It can take time to figure out which Group works best for you, but there is a real benefit in being connected with others as you navigate your way as a Christ follower.
14 Groups meet regularly for meals and connection
38 Group Leaders open their homes to host others
3 New Groups 
were started in 2023
151 Adults (+ a ton of kids) 
are connecting in Groups

The Alpha Course

Reaching those who are skeptical or new to faith. 

Alpha is a fun dinner series followed by group conversations centered around exploring some of the big questions of life and the Christian faith. Things we all question in life: How can I find my purpose? Why am I here? How can I thrive in challenging times? What should I believe? How can I find peace?

We had about 60 people come regularly for 9 weeks, with a few who indicated they wanted to surrender their lives to Jesus officially! What an incredible journey!

Our next session of Alpha will kick-off Spring 2024. 

Reach Kids

Every Sunday, our team endeavors to love and serve children from birth - 5th grade by providing safe, FUN environments to hear the Gospel and meet Jesus. This year, we've served 335 unique children (Our average kid attendance is 78 per Sunday)! We also dedicated 15 children to Jesus, committing to be a place where parents can grow together as the primary disciple-makers in their homes.

Oh, and how about the NURSERY RENOVATION?!

Adult Ministry


Our ladies hosted connect events, started new DNA studies, and facilitated their first ever, well-attended retreat in La Conner, WA! 70 ladies were in attendance! We've got another ladies' retreat scheduled for Fall 2024, so be sure to look out for more info!


Our guys hosted a few Saturday breakfasts, heard several impactful testimonies, did service projects at a few church member's houses, and even ventured north to Sumas, WA for our 2nd Men's Retreat with nearly 50 men present!

"Big Family" Series

This Summer, we heard sermons from 4 guest speakers from inside and outside the Reach family. It was an encouraging series and introduced us to some incredible voices!
Taylor Murray | Real Life Church, Covington
On week one of the series, we had the honor of hearing from longtime friend of Pastor Sean, Taylor Murray, Lead Pastor of Real Life Church (Covington, WA), sharing about the goodness of God and how he's freed us, fed us, and not forgotten about us.

Jon DeYonker | Reach Church, Everett
Our own Youth Lead, Jon, spoke for his first time on a Sunday! Jon shared on the concepts of humility, spiritual gifts, and the interconnectedness of believers within the body of Christ.

Mary Butler | Toys for Tots + Reach Church, Everett
During week 3, we had the privilege of hearing an interview with Pastor Sean and our very own Mary Butler on the importance of growing in spiritual maturity. Mary shared with us her own personal journey through learning this lesson and how God's faithfulness has grown her into an even more faithful follower.

Bob Stone | Northwest Ministry Network, Retired Pastor
As we wrapped up our "Big Family" series, we were able to hear from Pastor Sean's friend + mentor, Bob Stone. He showed us that Paul pointed Timothy to five stones of faith + explained the significant value in each one.

Reach Youth 

It was an exciting year for our teens! 

The team took 28 kids to summer camp (16 more than the prior year)! They were joined for a combined camp with our friends at Reach Kirkland!
  • 8 students took steps towards Jesus through water baptism! 
  • 23 people have served at Reach Youth, helping with games, snack, small groups, worship leading, etc.
  • About 30 kids attend on any given Thursday (36 peak attendance), and the excitement is only increasing as we continue creating space for our young people to experience the Gospel together. 

Prayer + Worship ✝️

Earlier this year, our team felt a strong sense that spending regular time in prayer and worship was something God was inviting us into. Our former "Third Thursday" time slot became sacred space, pressing into the presence of God, praying for one another, and allowing space for the Holy Spirit to refine us. Those who were present for these evening events know how significant they were!

Strengthening the Church.

Team Additions 🌱

Andrew Adams

In September, Andrew joined our staff as our new Associate Pastor! Andrew, along with his wife (Christy) and son (Jude), packed tight a U-haul in Oakhurst, CA and drove to Everett, WA to join the Reach family. Andrew is passionate about the Bible, the Holy Spirit, discipleship, and of course, heavy Christian music. He's also a great conversationalist, so be sure to strike one up with him sometime!

Tyler Betancourt

Tyler has been around for a few years serving behind the scenes with kids, women, and also as one of our worship leaders (along with her husband, Cris). This year, she joined the staff as our Administrative Assistant! Helping handle all things office-related, Tyler has leveraged her creativity to improve systems, support our leaders, and keep our staff on track in the backend.

Justin Cutsinger

Justin is a newer face around Reach, but has been long connected with Pastor Sean and Kara in ministry and friendship. He and his wife Ashlee, along with 2 kids (Lillian and Elliott) came to Reach this Fall, resulting in Justin coming on staff for a few hours a week to help with Communications! He's a brilliant system builder and communications thinker, but an even better disciple of Jesus.

Michelle Lindhardt

Michelle joined our Volunteer Leadership Team as our Missions Lead. Michelle is a wife (to Will), mom (to Liam and Elizabeth), and faithful volunteer at Reach who is committed to helping us care for folks outside our 4-walls. Michelle is a creative problem-solver, a warm and inviting presence, and a good friend to those in her community. She oversees our benevolence process, helps meet internal needs, and championed this year's Holiday Generosity Campaign! 

Chris Wise

Having been invested at Reach since virtually "day one," Chris stepped onto the Volunteer Leadership Team in 2023 as our Men's Lead. In addition to a deep commitment to loving his wife, Addie, and their 3 daughters (Charlotte, Elizabeth, and Frankie), following Jesus personally and helping men at Reach take their faith seriously is a major passion for Chris. Whether on a retreat or at a work party, Chris is eager to help guys make their faith practical and their contribution to the body fruitful. Stay tuned for some great things coming up in Men's Ministry, and if you'd like to help, let Chris know! 

We had a LOT of fun together...

A lot of connecting happens in the building, whether at the Welcome Bar or coffee area. We also love to have fun outside the building too! However or wherever we meet, our hope is to always pursue living like family in community. 
Friendly (and excited) faces abound at Reach! (No doubt, John's always is!)
2nd annual Fall Hoedown! People sure did show up and show off their sweet moves! 
Summer Connect parties are always a blast and great way to get connected.
Mario Movie Night, with our very own Mario! (Josh P. winning at life, as per usual!)
We shared a lot of meals and "broke bread" around tables often this year (Great job, as always, Allison and team!).
We stayed committed to that 2-minute greeting time! Did you meet anyone fun this year?

We installed two Elders this year! 

We are thrilled to have officially installed two additional Elders this year! In addition to our Lead Pastor, Sean Gasperetti (married to Kara), we're now blessed to be shepherded at the highest levels by volunteer Elders, Jeff Price (married to Ronda) and Russ Perron (married to Tammy).

At Reach, the Elders carry the responsibility of overseeing the mission, vision, life, and doctrine of the church. These men carry the responsibility and authority of leading the church side-by-side, while humbly following Jesus, the Chief Shepherd of the Church. A primary way the Elder Team fulfills its role is by empowering and caring for the men and women who serve as Reach’s Staff — those who lead the day-to-day ministries of the church.

Reach’s Staff Team — including both men and women who have been assigned as pastors, preachers, and/or ministry leaders — all serve under the authority and care of the Elder Team to lead ministries and equip the people of Reach to do the work of the ministry.
Watch the Elder Installation during Vision Sunday.

Our volunteers keep the wheels turning!

Those who serve each and every Sunday...we appreciate you! Whether up front or behind the scenes, Reach wouldn't be what it is without the faithful men and women (and even kids) who help carry the mission forward.

75 serving in Reach Kids

23 keeping us safe on Security

55 facilitating Worship and Tech

6 working on Cleaning and Facility 

56 shook hands and served up hot coffee on Welcome and Hospitality

219 total people who served in any capacity in 2023

[ Intermission ]

Levity break...these guys look TOUGH. 

Serving the City.

Vacation Bible School 🦁

We hosted our 2nd annual "VBS" this year! We increased the program from 2 to 3 days, and with the help of our 56 volunteers served 82 kids from both Reach and our greater community! 

Digital Engagement

There's no slowing the internet's involvement in our everyday lives. Whether social media, livestream, or even targeted advertising, we've found it incredible being able to connect with people outside our facility. 

A few stats...

  • 1,538 Reach Everett App sermon plays
  • 7,948 YouTube sermon plays
  • 913 Unique devices streamed church online
  • 606 Reach Everett App Downloads
  • 1,161 Instagram Followers
  • 685 Facebook Followers
  • 235 YouTube Subscribers
We've heard stories of families finding us through social media, watching our livestream, committing to Reach, then finally showing up on a Sunday to get connected! You just never know who we're "reaching" through these commonly used spaces!

Follow/Share us on social media.

Reach The City...and beyond.

Highlighting non-profits, community organizations, and missionaries we partnered with in 2023.

Bridge Receiving Center

A child's first encounter with the foster care system is too often traumatic and confusing. The Bridge is stepping in to change this by building a welcoming place where kids can feel safe and have access to the services they need. Reach continues to be one of The Bridge's first and most engaged church donors!

Toys For Tots

Warehousing/distributing out of Reach Church, Toys for Tots helps bring the joy of Christmas and sends a message of hope to America's less fortunate children. In 2022 alone, over 72,000 kids from around our county were provided with quality toys for Christmas, and we anticipate the number increasing in 2023.

Love Life: House of Refuge

People in our city, and even in our church, are being negatively impacted by abortion. They often run from the Church rather than to the Church. In partnership with Love Life, Reach became a "House of Refuge," pledging our commitment to come alongside those facing unplanned/crisis pregnancy, connecting them with people who care and inroads to meaningful/timely support.

Atlas Free

Atlas Free (formerly Rescue:Freedom International) is on a mission to end sex trafficking one life at a time. By pioneering initiatives domestically and internationally, AF is on the frontlines of this important and pressing work. This year, we made a $1,500 donation to Atlas Free. We also sent a group of people to their annual gala to learn how Reach can continue partnering in the fight for freedom.

Janzen Family | Missionaries

The Janzens work with Reaching Portugal, a gospel-centered community in Vila do Conde and Potential to Plant, a discipleship school focused on training, resourcing, and supporting church planters. They also roast and sell specialty coffee in efforts to embody marketplace evangelism. Reach is a consistent monthly donor and personal friends with the Janzens.

Diapers & Donuts

Diapers & Donuts aims to love and support our community with fellowship, donuts, a free pack of diapers and an invitation to a Bible study. This ministry functions out of Reach's facility and meets on the 4th Saturday of every month. 

Other Highlights...

  • Partnered with Pregnancy Resource Clinic for their Baby Bottle fundraising campaign.
  • Provided space to a women's group called Strong Like Mom (serving single mothers) that meets weekly.
  • Made space for a women's Narcotics Anonymous group for the first part of the year. 
  • Supported Downtown Everett Association by sending volunteers to help plant flowers all around the city.
  • Struck up a new partnership with Young Life, offering some office and storage space for the Everett team! (Starting 2024)

Giving at a glance.

Giving with our finances is part of how we worship Jesus with our whole lives. Reach is supported entirely by the generosity of people like you.  All of our tithe dollars are distributed into 5 main categories: ministry expenses, mission/benevolence, operations/facility,  personnel, and savings (for future ministry and missional endeavors). All gifts are tax-deductible.
September 2022 - August 2023 (This Year)
  • Total Income: $745,554.42
  • Average Monthly Income: $62,129.54
  • Community Impact* Income: $9,175.40

  • Total Expenses: $614,904.74 
  • Average Monthly Expenses: $62,034.28
  • Community Impact Expenses: $12,559.47

*Community Impact includes money spent on benevolence, supporting missionaries,  external non-profits, and in the future, church plants. These items are funded first from our Community Impact fund, but also budgeted for in our General Fund. 
September 2021-August 2022 (Last Year)
  • Total Income: $536,411.03
  • Total Expense: $463,732.46
We saw a significant increase in our giving this year, even in the midst of a turbulent economy! We praise God for his faithfulness TO us and THROUGH this body of saints. You may recall that in 2022, our church became independent of our sending church in Kirkland. This was a major shift for us, and there were significant financial implications (and cautions) because of it. The fact that we not only saw an increase overall but are also ending our fiscal year comfortably "in the black" speaks volumes of our team's stewardship with dollars, our community's generosity, and God's apparent hand on this church. We're eager to dream big into the next year and, Lord willing, several that follow, stewarding the dollars God has entrusted us with to the best of our ability!

Through Your Generosity...

We raised $28,245.12 to help renovate a formerly unusable nursery space! 

We were (and are!) blown away by the generosity of this church to help expand our kids room spaces. We not only had funds to renovate/introduce a new nursery space, but will also be able to improve several other spaces throughout our kids wing over the next year or two. 

Reach was able to sustain its FIRST year as a fully funded, independent church! 

In 2022, our church was able to secede from our sending church in Kirkland both legally and financially. This was a mutual decision in both of our best interest, and we not only survived the transition, we've grown through it! 

We've helped create safe spaces for foster kids. 

Through your consistent and one-time generosity, over $6,000 has been contributed to The Bridge Receiving Center, a non-profit providing transitional housing for kids entering foster care. 

We hosted our 2nd VBS for kids!

Nearly 100 children from inside and outside of Reach were blessed by a summer Vacation Bible School. Our team created a fun, safe environment to hear the Gospel and take steps towards Jesus! The best part: thanks to your consistent giving, we were able to offer this experience FREE OF CHARGE to the community! 

Looking ahead to 2024

But first a quick recap from 2022...

Last year, we set some lofty goals...three in particular that we prayed to accomplish. Good news: God provided!

GOAL 1: Hire Associate Pastor & Administrative Assistant

GOAL 2: Renovate the unused nursery space

GOAL 3: Install additional Elders

Goals / Next Steps 📈

Here are some things we're dreaming about this year...

  • Focusing our generosity out the door, giving 5-8% of our dollars towards our non-profit partners and missionaries.
    • In particular, we'd like to start setting aside some funds for a future church plant. We're not sure what that will look like yet, but when the timing is right and the people rise to the surface, we want to be ready to act strategically and generously. 
  • Increase our staffing to help shoulder the growing responsibilities required in leading the church. We're praying about the next strategic players our team needs to help carry the ministry of our church, so please pray with our elders as we seek God's guidance on who and when such individuals should be added.
    • We see some of our greatest needs in the areas of 1) caring for a growing youth ministry, 2) stewarding our facility and operations adequately, and 3) growing with/caring for our current staff families as cost of living only increases in our area.
  • Install another 1-2 elders by the end of 2024. Healthy leadership is part of what will help our church remain durable. With vetted, godly leaders serving as key overseers, we're believing God will continue to load our shoulders with ministry weight that will not only impact our church family, but continue enhancing our missional influence in Everett, Snohomish County, and beyond.
  • Begin to leverage our facility and experience to bless the body of Christ at large. There comes a point in a church's maturation process that it transitions from establishing roots and focusing inward to being a blessing and support system for the body more broadly. 
    • We currently host an Everett Area Pastors Prayer gathering once a month, which has been a significant blessing to ministry leaders locally. 
    • We foresee our building and team being an encouragement to other churches, even providing training for up and coming ministry leaders, or encouragement for existing ones. This may include strategic partnerships with other churches/networks to help advance the mission in a more effective way. 
    • Pray with us as we discern how we might leverage our "talents" for God's purposes beyond our four walls. 
  • BIG DREAM: Recently, our building we were given was appraised at over $6 million in value. As it stands, we only owe roughly $850,000 (around the average house price in Lake Stevens or Snohomish! Wow...). In many ways, we're blessed to only owe so little. Imagine what it would it look like to have the building paid off one day? We aren't proposing a building campaign, but most certainly, we're praying God will continue helping us steward our funds well and one day pay off what's left so we can redirect our dollars into more ministry and mission.
Some of these goals/dreams are more concrete than others. Nevertheless, we wanted to put some specifics in front of you to at least be praying about with us. We're trusting God to continue revealing His plan to us in the earliest part of the year and are in no way interested in rushing anything that's not from Him!

A few next steps you might consider:

  • If you're not already giving financially at Reach, consider making this part of your discipleship. 
  • Are you already giving? Perhaps consider an increase, a year-end gift, or even help meeting a specific need as God lays it on your heart. 
  • Got a gift in hospitality or community building? Consider helping lead a group, starting a meet-up, or helping at a future event.
  • Leverage your social media. Share photos and stories / tag @reacheverett.cc, share a post from the church, or simply follow on Facebook and Instagram!
  • Pray about who you're inviting to church. Christmas is coming, as is a new year. Who can you invite to join you?

A reminder before we conclude...

Let's finish well in 2023.

Your contributions are tax-deductible and will be counted in your 2023 taxes if given by 12/31 at 11:59pm.

"For from him and through him
and to him are all things.
To him be the glory forever. Amen."

Romans 11:36 CSB